Saturday, May 26, 2007

Day 7 - Delhi

We woke up from our sleeper train ride at 6am and headed to my friend's house in Pitampura, a suburb of Delhi. My friend Saurabh was a colleague of mine at McKinsey and is in India until he goes to Harvard Business School in the fall. We could not thank him and his family enough for allowing two grubby, tired, half-sick travelers to spend a weekend at their home.

After enjoying Saurabh's mother's great food - we rested and then went to this strange modern temple in Delhi. Similar to a giant Epcot hindu temple, complete with IMAX movie, light show, musical fountain and indoor boat ride. It was free, and a beautiful site, and Saurabh believes that it is a way for this sect of Hinduism to gain converts, by attracting Delhi residents to this family-oriented theme park, while telling them the tenets of their religion. While we were walking - one young convert asked me if I had any vices (tobacco, liquor, etc.). In retrospect I should have said yes, to see what happened.

We had dinner with Saurabh and his family at the Yellow Brick Road restaurant at the Taj Hotel, where Saurabh's parents were celebrating their anniversary.

Saurabh later took us to this popular night eating spot, where they had Kulfi - an Indian tapioca/rice-based ice-cream like desert (also with mango noodles)

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